GESE Africa Uganda

GESE Africa Uganda

Our partner organization GESE Africa Uganda

Together with our Ugandan partner organization GESE Africa Uganda, we are a strong team to bring sex education where it is needed most.

GESE Africa Uganda at a glance

GESE Africa Uganda is the Ugandan partner organization of GESE Africa e.V. 
GESE Africa Uganda is an independent non-profit organization and pursues the same goals as GESE Africa e.V. by bringing gender equality and sex education to the schools in Uganda that need it the most. GESE Africa Uganda is managed by Kabaka Roland Kennedy - teacher at the National Teachers' College-Kaliro in Uganda. In addition the team consists of several teachers and support staff who help to implement and conduct the joint sex education projects of GESE Africa Uganda and GESE Africa e.V. in Uganda.

GESE Africa Uganda and GESE Africa e.V. - A strong partnership

GESE Africa Uganda´s team conducts the sex education lessons in Uganda and manages all contacts to local schools. In addition the team of GESE Africa Uganda gathers the educational material in Uganda, coducts the impact tracking, and reports every step to GESE Africa e.V.
GESE Africa e.V. provides GESE Africa Uganda with funds and provides the educational content.  Through constant communication and close cooperation, GESE Africa Uganda and GESE Afirca e.V. are able to successfully manage educational projects in Uganda.

Contact GESE Africa Uganda

GESE Africa Uganda

P. O. BOX 692, Iganga - Uganda


Tel: +256 773 868 636

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